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Selection Process

Selection Process

We are open to walk-in applicants and we are proud that we have a time –up with schools and other training agencies to provide a competent skilled and unskilled professional. Al Fattah Human Resources Consultancy has an internal process on selecting, standardizes and tailored bases testing and batteries of test will be given to the applicants, while those who are in service sectors will have a specialized selection and training to ensure that Al Fattah Human Resources Consultancy catered the individual need and requirement of the clients abroad.

Health is an integral part in Al Fattah Human Resources Consultancy selection process, Al Fattah Human Resources Consultancy is requiring a Medical Certificate to ensure that the applicants are physically and mentality fit. Training and Seminars is given to the pool of applicants prior to their departure from the respective Countries.

Ensuring our person-oriented approach the following are the Selection procedure and in-house trainings conducted according or based to the needs and requirements of the clients;

Administration & Professional Work Force:

  • IQ Test.
  • Personality Test.
  • Aptitude Test
  • Interview.
  • Matching of Job knowledge/experience and job opening

Skilled / Not Skilled Workers

  • Experience and Job matching.
  • Interview.